
Tribulation Period/End Times: “The Final Act”

In the “The Final Act” Pastor Chuck Smith provides insights into current events leading up to the Tribulation Period/End Times.

Tribulation Period/End Times

“If you can’t or won’t respond to Jesus now what makes you think you will respond when doing so will cost you and your wife and children (if you have them) your lives?”

European Union (EU)

The defeat of the Russian coalition in the war of Gog and Magog gives the European nations the opportunity to rise to power. This confederacy will then be the unchallenged major power on the European continent.

Each nation in the current European Union (EU) was once a part of the old Roman Empire.

On December 31, 1992, the economic borders between the nations of the European Community were removed and a common passport was issued.

The EU is now planning to divide Europe into ten sections — five in the west, five in the east. This new development has the potential to fulfill the prophecy of the feet with the ten toes (Daniel 2:33-44, 7:7-8). However, Russia presents a major stumbling block to the European Union. The EU cannot rise to predicted prominence as long as the Russian alliance poses such a tremendous threat to the European continent.

The Antichrist

As long as the Spirit-filled church is upon the earth, the unveiling of the Antichrist will be held back (2 Thessalonians 2:6). As soon as the church is removed, nothing will stand in the way of the Antichrist. He’ll be free then to take over the governments of the world.

Sometime during the period when Russia supports the Muslims in their invasion of Israel, the Lord will rapture His church. Following the defeat of this coalition an extremely powerful, extremely gifted man (the antichrist) will rise to lead the European community.

The Antichrist will first come to public prominence with a successful peace program and an entirely new commercial system. (Revelation 13:4, 16 & 17)

The Antichrist will suffer a deadly wound, but will recover (Revelation 13:12). Zechariah 11:17 describes some of the injuries that will result from this attempt. The assassination attempt and his “miraculous” recovery will cause “the earth and those who dwell in it” to worship him.

Why is this great tribulation coming?

The Scripture says that its purpose is threefold.

  1. to test those who dwell upon the earth; meaning those who refused to receive Christ prior to the Rapture (Revelation 3:10)
  2. that God might vent His wrath upon the wicked (Revelation 15:7)
  3. to destroy those who destroy the earth (Revelation 11:18)

Nowhere in Scripture when we find judgment proceeding directly from God do we find the righteous being judged along with the wicked.

Tribulation Period/End Times — Unmasking The Antichrist

The Final Act – Pastor Chuck Smith’s book

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