On My Mind

If God is real and He actually exists nearby

This is on the first page of every Prophecy Watcher magazine. I love it.


  • God is real and He actually exists nearby
  • He really created the Heavens and the Earth
    (They didn’t evolve through the forces of “nature”)
  • He really is the Father of a physical Son through a physical woman on Earth
  •  His Son’s name is Jesus (meaning “salvation”)
  • Jesus spent three decades on Earth, carefully fulfilling a myriad of Old Testament prophecies
  • His death upon the Cross is the central event of Time and Eternity
  • Salvation through Christ’s finished work is necessary
  • That event offered YOU the opportunity to live for eternity in a state of perfect blessing
  • God has provided a Bible that contains all the information you’ll need to make your decision about these things
  • There is a dark side and a Satan who wants to keep you ignorant and imprisoned
  • You believe his anti-God propaganda and your own imagined reality
  • You have come to the conclusion that you don’t need salvation through Jesus
  • You’re totally relaxed about your agnostic beliefs. Prepare for an unpleasant surprise!

The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; There is no one who does good.

(Psalm 14:1 NAS 1995)


  • You decide to determine the truth, find a Bible, or a Bible-believing Christian. Read Romans 10:9

that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;(NAS 1995)


  • You will have turned from death to LIFE.

Congratulations! And blessings in the Lord!

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