On My Mind

How True A Witness for Jesus Christ Are You

How true a witness for Jesus Christ are you

How true a witness for Jesus Christ are you? Take a test of self-examination

“When we talk about being a witness for Jesus Christ, we are talking about the life that bears witness for Jesus Christ.” Oftentimes what we say is thoroughly discredited by what we are and by what we do.

Find Out How True A Witness For Jesus Christ You Are

Take a test of self-examination. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 removing the word charity or love and insert your own name and you will find out how true a witness you are.” (Pastor Chuck Smith – Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California)


_____ suffers long (patient endurance under provocation).
_____ is kind (active goodness, going forth in the interest of others).
_____ does not envy (is not jealous).
_____ does not parade itself, is not puffed up (does not brag and is not arrogant, realizes that whatever I have is the gift of God and there is nothing in me of which to be proud).


_____ does not behave rudely (is courteous and considerate).
_____ does not seek its own (never wants its own way, but is interested in what will assist others).
_____ is not provoked (is never irritated or angered in personal defense, is willing to endure slights and insults).
_____ thinks no evil (does not attribute bad motives to others, does not suspect their actions.


_____ does not rejoice in iniquity/unrighteousness (does not take into account a wrong suffered and finds no pleasure in someone else’s sin, even the sin of an enemy).
_____ rejoices in the truth (rejoices with every triumph of the truth).


_____ bears all things (hides or conceals the faults of others, does not needlessly publicize the faults of others).
_____ believes all things (tries to put the best possible construction on actions and events).
_____ hopes all things (earnestly desires that all things work out for the best).
_____ endures all things (in the way of persecution or ill treatment).

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