
God Will Use This For Good — Surviving The Mess Of Life

You’ll get through this. It won’t be painless. It won’t be quick. But God will use this mess for good.

Excerpts from Max Lucado’s book.

God Will Use This For Good

Life Is Messy. Just Look At Joseph

You might remember the Old Testament story. Joseph was tossed in a pit, wrongfully imprisoned, forgotten, and dismissed. But Joseph’s story contains an audacious promise. Whatever mess you face, God will use it for good. He did for Joseph, and He will for you. In the meantime don’t become bitter or angry. do what Joseph did. Trust in God.

You’ll Get Through This

• It won’t be painless.
• It “most likely” won’t be quick.
• Don’t despair – with God’s help you’ll get through this.


• Joseph’s pit caught him off guard
• Yours probably did too
• Pits have no easy exit
• You’ll get through this
• You fear you won’t – we all do

We fear that the

• Depression will never lift
• The pain will never leave

God Gets Us Through Stuff

• It won’t be painless
• God doesn’t guarantee the absence of struggle in this life
• You can’t always see what God is doing
• You can’t undo the _______. But remember God is in this crisis.
• You’d prefer a miracle for your crisis. God may do this. He can. Then again He may tell you, “I’m with you. I can use this for good. Now let’s make a plan.
• Trust God to help you.

God Will Use This For Good — Surviving The Mess Of Life


Living With Pain and Suffering

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